selamat hari jadi, kering.
sweet 9 teen. ok.
may god bless u, babe. :)
tak boleh nak kata nad tua. sebab kut mana pun nad tetap muda setahun dari aku. so, takmau kata apa lah. hehe. :P nad ni sweet. macam gula. sangat blur. kadang2 bila dia payah nak paham satu benda. aku rasa macam nak p tampaq ja kepala dia bagi paham. haha. apa2 pun, she's the best friend i ever had. she's a good listener, good gossip partner and good in everything. i love you. *hugs and kisses.
ngee. feels very excited because i'm going back to Kedah in a few hours plus i can't wait to see my another half. i miss him so badly. :( goodnight, people.
ngee. feels very excited because i'm going back to Kedah in a few hours plus i can't wait to see my another half. i miss him so badly. :( goodnight, people.
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