Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Assalamualaikum and Hi...

there's a lot of events happened within this year. i mean, 3 months. so, how to start? okay. let me start with :

1. Career
i got my permanent job as Admin & Accounts Executive. i studied Physics but my scope of work is way too far from my field. duh! i don't mind. as long as i am willing to learn. there's no big issue. hey. dunia sekarang dah berubah. we need to find the job. bukan kerja cari kita. unless you are so damn good! but i think, if you are too good with no experience. no point. 

2. Life
this is the most exciting part to tell. hihi. i'm married with the man i love, of course. i'll upload the pictures in my next post, okay my dear. it's been 3 months now. i'm a someone's wife! haha. best wooh! cepat-cepat la you guys kawen. ;)

fine. idea dah stuck dekat sini. so, will update much more later. daa.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Diet Plan

Daily Routine

My current weight is 73kg. It's a scary number you know. Especially untuk orang yang nak kahwin dalam masa terdekat ni kan.

I'm targeting 55kg/60kg very soon. So, need to loose 18kg/13kg. Aiyoohh!!

Bangun : 8 am

Breakfast : Herbalife (Aloe + Tea + Shake) - 8.30 am

Snacks : Fruits (Apple) - 11 am

Lunch : Ikan bakar + Sayur - 1 pm

Snacks : Fruits (Strawberry + Berry) - 3 pm

Dinner : Herbalife (Aloe + Tea + Shake) - 6 pm

Sleep : 12 am

Note to myself :

1. 4L of water per day
2. Get enough sleep. At least 8 hours.

Hello 2014


Dah lama tak update blog. Rasa a bit awkward. Hihi. How to start? A lot of things to update. Need to do it one by one.

Nanti i will update regarding to my wedding. Another two weeks to go. 

Mungkin i will make this blog as my weight loss diary. Berat dah naik mendadak woi. Another two weeks. Hurm..sempat tak rasanya?

Okay. That's all for a start. Nanti banyak2 tak ter'update' pulak kan. Hihi.