exam is just around the corner. today is saturday and the exam is on monday. shit! aku tak study apa lagi pon okay. chemistry of course aku tak sentuh sebab aku lebihkan study maths. but maths? haih. macam tak study saja pun. :P okay. okay. malas nak tension2. just follow the flow. buat yang mana aku mampu. haha. oh ya. i did mention that i had went out with hariz in the previous post, right? we took a lot of pictures. i'm still waiting for it to upload it, here. so, you guys just stay tune and be patient yea. we went inside petrosains just to snap the pictures. haha. quite fun. walaupun aku dah masuk dalam tu beribu - ribu kali tapi ini adalah kali pertama aku bawak kamera gemuk. haha. aku memang berazam nak beli kamera tu nanti. here are some pictures that he already sent it to me before. :)

location : pizza hut outlet.
nadia said i look BEAUTIFUL. haha.
nadia said i look BEAUTIFUL. haha.
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