semalam tak ada mood nak update blog sebab aku gaduh dengan my another half. haha. bodoh betul. baru saja balik dah gaduh. tapi pagi ni dah ok. pandai u pujuk i, sayang. :P yesterday's activities? hmm..nothing much. i just went to seni foto's class. then, back to my room. tidur sampai petang. haha. gila hebat aku bab tidur ni. :P kelas seni foto semalam, encik ra'ai banyak membebel. he just gave us an assignment. then, he asked for 'gambar pameran'. this is what i gave him for the 'pameran'.
beach. not bitch

mind blowing picture. :)
can you guys see the beautiful rainbow?
awan membiru yang cantik. :)
actually, aku dapat gambar ni dari hariz. i asked him a few pictures for the 'pameran'. dia sangat baik hati sebab bagi hasil karya dia ni. so, a credit to hariz okay. thanks a lot. :*