who am i in another 10 years?
i might be anybody but i have my own dreams like others. people might see my aim is way too high but to the hell with them. this is my dreams. i never underestimate your dreams. so, let me be. i'll try my very best to achieve it. insyaallah. good luck for me. :)

this is me, now and will always be me in another 10 years. put a little make up on my face. wear branded clothes. a wife and a mummy to be. the most important is i wanna have a really good job.

my dream house but i prefer much smaller because i don't really like big house. seriously. dah terpengaruh dengan english movie agaknya. tak kisah lah rumah macam mana pun. as long as the car garage is exactly like this. i adore it. pelik kan. haha.

dari dulu lagi dah minat mini cooper. sangat cute. kalau nampak dekat jalan mesti histeria. :D tapi mr. ex boyfie cakap 'dont aim too high' tapi mr. future boyfie cakap 'kalau macam tu, kereta i simpan lah nanti i nak tumpang u hari-hari'. haha.
for my minor dreams, i wanna get my master and phd certificates, backpack travelling with my hubby and many more to be listed. haha. takpa. angan-angan tak semestinya tak boleh jadikan kenyataan. kalau kuat usaha, mungkin mudah nak capai kan. :)
*hugs and kisses.
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