Friday, February 17, 2012

Final Semester

14 February 2012
hello, UKM.

15 February 2012
meeting with prof mad about my thesis.

16 February 2012
at the lab from 8 am til 10 pm.

17 February 2012
again! at the lab from 11 am til 10 pm.

18 February 2012
pheww. baru boleh rehat dan bernafas dengan sempurna. :p

19 February 2012
at the lab again from 11 am til 10 pm. wait, on sunday? OMG!

ps : a hectic opening for this semester.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


awak di Melbourne. saya di Malaysia.
i'm officially missing you like crazy.
bbm-ing, calling and skyping tak sama dengan meeting.
gatai! okbai. :P